Arch linux in Termux: installation and basic commands

Arch Linux in Termux
Arch in Termux is a great way to turn your Android device into a mini portable Linux machine and you can learn the concepts of ...

How to install MySQL in Termux

How to install MySQL in Termux
Are you curious about bringing the power of the MySQL database to your Android device by using Termux? If you’re curious, in this article, I ...

A list of basic Termux commands and tools – Termux latest | 2024

Termux commands and tools
Termux is an Android app that can run Linux tools and Linux packages. Before you can start using Termux, you must know some commonly and ...

How to Backup Termux – Termux Backup | 2024

Termux backup
Hey guys! If you are looking for how to backup Termux or a Termux backup tool, then you are in the right place, because in ...

Termux F-Droid latest version – APK | Download | 2024

Termux F-Droid
Since the version of Termux available on the Play Store is outdated and will no longer receive updates, F droid become one of the best ...

IG-OSINT: Instagram Information Gathering Tool

Information gathering tools Termux
In the era of open source information gathering tools, the IG-OSINT tool stands as one of the most powerful Instagram information gathering tools available in ...

How to create Ngrok authtoken – Free | Termux | 2024

How to get Ngrok authtoken
Ngrok is a popular tool that is used to create secure tunnels to local hosts. However, to use Ngrok’s full potential users need to create ...

Termux Commands list – Basic | PDF | 2024

Termux Commands list
Termux is an app that transforms Android devices into mini-linux devices, allowing users to run Linux commands, install tools, and perform various Linux tasks. This ...

what is my ip address? Find your IP4 address

What is my ip address
What is My IP Address? Your IP Address is: Loading… Get My IPCopy My IP